Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I am starving, I’m starving but what should I eat? Everyone around me is counting calories, looking for their carbs intake. I know we should all eat healthy, but hearing about it everyday hurts my ears.

I’m Latina, so you know that I love my rice and beans. I could eat it constantly, arroz con habichuelas (rice and beans) for me, with platanitos and a juicy filet of chicken. “WOW” just the thought of the food makes my mouth water; so really, do you think I have the time or mentality to count my carbs or calorie? “Yeah, right” my tummy has a mind of its own.

I believe that as long as your food portions are small and you don’t go over the top, you can indulge yourself with the simple pleasures of life. Don’t deny yourself the frappachino, just don’t get the extra large cup.



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