I went out with some co workers;
I had a few drinks, well maybe a few too many,
But in my state of mind I think I behaved somewhat how I should have behaved.
I was a little out of control,
But totally in control of my actions.
Did I act like a fool, maybe, but a classy fool?
Was I affectionate, but of course, like I’ve always said “
And if I am surrounded by my friends and loved ones, I will party like its 1999.
Now, what do you when you have a loose cannon among your group, someone who tends to go over the limit, not intentionally, but can’t control themselves or their actions, what then?
Do you continue partying, do you walk over to them and try to make them comprehend, do you slap the person, or simply forget to send him/her the next e-mail invite.
Well as for me I know I will get that e-mail invite but will I attend the next time not sure.
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