Haunted by the ghost of your love; as it anxiously waits in the dark of my solitude, keep me sane and aware for this eerie feeling won’t fade away.
Transcending in time, frozen by desire, yet disturbed with what no longer subsist.Holding on to a mere glimpse of hope wanting things to be, and I cant phantom the thought of the impossible. Chase me if that is your will; as for mine, it has taken its course, and as I journey through this ghostly fog the memory of yesterday becomes extinct.
Transcending in time, frozen by desire, yet disturbed with what no longer subsist.Holding on to a mere glimpse of hope wanting things to be, and I cant phantom the thought of the impossible. Chase me if that is your will; as for mine, it has taken its course, and as I journey through this ghostly fog the memory of yesterday becomes extinct.
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