Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Have you ever loved someone so deeply it hurts your very soul, not knowing where this love will lead you to, but knowing that you will die without their presence? Love has knocked on my door a time or two, but never entering all the way, and now that it has entered, I am out of air.

I can’t speak for others, only myself, and I’m in love with the feeling bestowed upon me. Have I not known the power love grants I would be numb, confounded by the eerie feeling of loneliness.

Words, spoken softly, caressing my ear, as I envision us hand in hand, walking on the road of no return. Am I a dreamer for wanting candlelight and moonlight, am I foolish for wishing upon that star above…maybe…but who are you to rain on my parade?

I’m in love and you are the recipient, the chosen one. Who am I to declare war with my heart?



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