I look out the window and the rain is pouring down, like money is pouring out of our pockets. I went to put gas in my car and I went blank- for a minute there I thought I was making a purchase of a pair of Manolo Blahnik. Then the smell brought me back to reality.
How can a country such as ours be doing so badly, "WE" the people, united, are far from being united?
What on earth can we do to improve our economy; advise us on what methods we should be taking, Corn oil, Canola oil come on… HELP!!! You’re killing us here.
I‘m going to vote, but I don’t know who I will choose, I am a democrat but after our last session hmm I’m not so sure, and if I go towards the republican party, look at where we are now.
Should I try something new, will that improve our situation?
God only knows.
Well in the mean time I need to keep saving for the Manolos I so dearly want, only if the gas prices let me.
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