I am LATINA, I write both in English and in Spanish. I decided to write something in Spanish for a change, but dont worry I also wrote it in English for those of you who can't read in spanish...Here I go enjoy!!!
Que solitario son los dias sin ti, y las noches fria sin tu calor
Es necesario decirte que sin ti no encuentro lo suficiente para sonreír,
El cuerpo se me paraliza,
Mis labios frió y el corazón derrotado.
Como lo haré, si tus palabras son las melodías en mi amanecer,
Te extraño profundamente.
Si, es necesario que sepas que mientras tú este lejano siempre estará cerca de mi corazón ....
My days are lonely and my nights are cold without the warmth of your body.
It is necessary for me to tell you that without you I find it insufficient to smile,
My body is paralyzed,
My lips are numb and the heart defeated.
How will I cope without the sound of your voice?
Your words are the melody in my dawn
I miss you deeply.
It is necessary that you know that while you are distant from me
You are always next to my heart.
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