Long ago you broke my heart
my dreams of who I thought you to be
destroyed by the knowledge of who you really were
and so I come about.
I don’t know much about you
I never really knew you at all
and here I am all grown up and I wonder
what my life would have been if I had you in it
from the beginning of my existence.
I look in from the outside
I see that circle that I’m not a part of and should be
and sadness fills the empty void that you created.
Little by little I reach out to those who are a part of me
and I’m trying to build on the foundation that was never established
the one that was lost in time
I want to belong but feel like an outcast.
I want you to know that I FORGIVE YOU,
regardless of the pain that I have,
and will always carry with me.
I don’t know if I could ever look in your eyes and feel anything but sorrow
sorry for what you did and didn’t do
Sorry that you will never know me
but most important... sorry for what you've missed.
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