I’m going insane…I want to yank my hair
The men in my life are driving me to drink
Really, I am a working wife and mother of 3, ALL BOYS “may I say”.
For once I would love to experience this...
get home and be pampered...
go straight to the bathroom
have your bath full of bubbles and
just sit there and relax. “Calgon take me away”
Yeah sweet thoughts interrupted by
“When is dinner, mom do I have clean uniforms, honey have you seen the remote control”
But oh wait, it’s not possible,
A mothers job never ends.
We come home from a hard day at work,
To cook, get the kids ready for the next day, maybe do some laundry and
By the time you take a minute for yourself you are too tired and have no energy for anything else and
I mean ANYTHING else.
So please if I want a glass of wine instead of the cup of tea,
I think I deserve it; after all, my job is 24/7
I’m always on duty, on call,
But never out of SERVICE…
Thats only because you choose that...you deserve that at least once
a week at least...all that you do you r a housewife and a provider..
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